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Mashuk №19

Therapeutic table mineral water

Mashuk №19

Mashuk №19

Therapeutic table mineral water

Sulfate-hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium (calcium-sodium), siliceous, magnesium thermal medical-table mineral water of medium mineralization.

Packaging costs:
On request
Bottles per package:
12 pcs
Bottle volume:
0,5 liter(s)

Sulfate-hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium (calcium-sodium), siliceous, magnesium thermal medical-table mineral water of medium mineralization.

Сhemical composition Chemical composition Recommendations for use Documents
Сhemical composition

Chemical composition of water in mg/l

Ingredients in a bottle:
Sodium and potassium
Silicic acid
General mineralization
1500 -2200
1100 -1250
1400 -1500
300 - 550
< 100
1500 - 1800
50 - 100
5,5 - 7,2 г/л

"Mashuk №19” - sulfate-hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium (calcium-sodium), siliceous, magnesium thermal medical-table mineral water of medium mineralization.

In composition, it is quite close to the water of the springs of the SPAs of Karlovy Vary. The source locates on the southwestern slope of Mount Mashuk in the Pyatigorsk resort.

Natural salt precipitation is allowed.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition

In terms of chemical composition and physical properties, the drinking waters of Pyatigorsk are complex systems. Well №. 19 ("hot narzan") is located on the southwestern slope of Mount Mashuk, in a ravine near the Leninsky Rocks sanatorium, drilled in 1956.

It is characterized by a high initial temperature (above 55°C), high gas saturation (more than 1000 ml of gas in 1 liter of water), an average salt concentration (5.6-7.6 g/l), and a therapeutically active concentration of silicon (more than 50 mg/l).

The source has an original radiological composition and is classified as radioactive. Water flows by gravity into the reservoir of the pump-room "Lermontovsky", into the tanks for bottling under the name "Mashuk №19" (healing table drink), as well as into the reservoirs of the sanatorium "Lenin”s rocks" for the release of balneological procedures.

Recommendations for use

Recommendations for use

Chronic diseases of the digestive system
In the presence of an existing peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenum, it is preferable to prescribe mineral water 1 month before the expected exacerbation or 2-3 months after the exacerbation. In the phase of exacerbation of the disease, the intake of mineral water is not allowed. In the phase of complete remission of peptic ulcer disease, mineral water should be used 3-4 times a year for at least a month. In this case, mineral water is prescribed in a dose of 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight 4 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner 30-40 minutes before meals and at night (before bedtime). The course of water intake is 24-30 days, the water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius.
Biliary tract disease of any etiology
The exception is cholelithiasis with frequent and pronounced attacks of biliary colic, in which the intake of mineral water is not recommended at all. In other diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, the time of taking mineral water, its dosage is the same as in peptic ulcer.
Liver diseases of any etiology
The intake of mineral water for gastritis with preserved and increased secretion is carried out 40-60 minutes before meals, the temperature is 30-40 degrees Celsius at a dose of 3 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the course of administration is 24-25 days. With reduced acid formation, mineral water is taken 120 minutes before meals, the water temperature is 20-25 degrees.
Diseases of the operated stomach
Diseases of the operated stomach (dumping syndrome of any severity except severe, hypoglycemic, small stump syndrome, etc.). In this case, the intake of mineral water is carried out as follows: the water temperature is 25-30 degrees, 4 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner 30-40 minutes before meals and at night (before sleep). Water is prescribed first in a dose of 1-2 ml per 1 kg of body weight and only after 12-14 days the dose can be increased to 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight.
The intake of mineral water for gastritis with preserved and increased secretion is carried out 40-60 minutes before meals, the temperature is 30-40 degrees Celsius at a dose of 3 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the course of administration is 24-25 days. With reduced acid formation, mineral water is taken 120 minutes before meals, the water temperature is 20-25 degrees.
Pancreatic diseases - chronic pancreatitis of any etiology (including alcohol) in the phase of complete and incomplete remission
The dose of mineral water in this case is 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the intake time is 20-30 minutes before meals, in addition to taking water before breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is mandatory to take water at night. The water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius . The duration of taking mineral water is usual - 24-30 days. As a means of preventing alcoholic lesions of the liver and pancreas, it is recommended that perfectly healthy people take mineral water at least 5-6 times a year for 1 month with an interval of 2 months. This contributes to a more perfect hormonal regulation of metabolic processes in the body and an increase in the safety margin of the target organs of alcohol - hormonal regulatory blocks, as well as the liver and pancreas.

When using medicinal and medicinal-table water as a means for the treatment and prevention of diseases, a doctor's consultation is necessary.



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