Sulfate-hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium (calcium-sodium), siliceous, magnesium thermal medical-table mineral water of medium mineralization.
Sulfate-hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium (calcium-sodium), siliceous, magnesium thermal medical-table mineral water of medium mineralization.
"Mashuk №19” - sulfate-hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium (calcium-sodium), siliceous, magnesium thermal medical-table mineral water of medium mineralization.
In composition, it is quite close to the water of the springs of the SPAs of Karlovy Vary. The source locates on the southwestern slope of Mount Mashuk in the Pyatigorsk resort.
Natural salt precipitation is allowed.
In terms of chemical composition and physical properties, the drinking waters of Pyatigorsk are complex systems. Well №. 19 ("hot narzan") is located on the southwestern slope of Mount Mashuk, in a ravine near the Leninsky Rocks sanatorium, drilled in 1956.
It is characterized by a high initial temperature (above 55°C), high gas saturation (more than 1000 ml of gas in 1 liter of water), an average salt concentration (5.6-7.6 g/l), and a therapeutically active concentration of silicon (more than 50 mg/l).
The source has an original radiological composition and is classified as radioactive. Water flows by gravity into the reservoir of the pump-room "Lermontovsky", into the tanks for bottling under the name "Mashuk №19" (healing table drink), as well as into the reservoirs of the sanatorium "Lenin”s rocks" for the release of balneological procedures.
When using medicinal and medicinal-table water as a means for the treatment and prevention of diseases, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
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